Tuesday, June 25, 2019

National Safety Month - Fourth of July Independence Day

With Fourth of July coming up, and many celebrations to enjoy, here are some activities to incorporate an elderly loved one.

1. 1. Include them in meal prep for the big barbeque. Have them toss together the coleslaw, or put the silverware together.
2. 2. Have them guide a craft activity for the little ones in the family. There are many pintables that are free online, and your loved one can easily follow to guide the little ones.

3. 3. Set aside a quiet room in the home where they can read out loud to the little ones or vice –versa. At times with too many people, the noise level can be overwhelming, so it is important to have a place for them to relax and have some one-on-one time with a family member. Remember this room is not meant to isolate.

These are just a few ideas but the list is endless! Remember to incorporate your loved one into the activities. They may need guided assistance or supervision but it is important not to isolate.

If the Holidays have you feeling overwhelmed with activities and caring for your loved ones, we can help! Perfect Solutions for Seniors offers respite care (eldercare) to help families that need assistance only for a short time.

Our consultation is always FREE for our senior in home assessments. Give us a call, we would love to meet you! 941-378-5553 or to know more click here: Perfect Solution For Seniors

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Announcement of New Corporate Partner

What is Pragmatics?
Pragmatics is subfield of linguistics of how a person uses language in a social setting. Language or the meaning of message is changed depending on context, social engagement or even a change in prosody.
Pragmatics also includes body language, tone and facial expressions to convey a message and also the ability to tune into these social cues.
As we age we may have less ability to practice our pragmatic skills secondary to social isolation or decreased ability to communicate. This is why Perfect Solutions for Seniors, we are excited to announce our Corporate Partnership with The Senior Friendship Center in Sarasota Florida!

The Senior Friendship Center is a place where our client’s can go to socialize, participate in events, and even have medical services. It is a wonderful organization that provides so many events from music to support groups.
They have a booming event calendar at their two locations, Sarasota and Venice Florida. Visit their website and check them out!
#dementia #corporatepartner #inhomecare #seniorliving #socializationandaging #seniorcare #aginginplace

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Are you asking the right question when looking for a home care agency ?

If you are looking for a great home care agency in Sarasota who can assist your loved one in their home or yourself, DO NOT just look at price.  There are other things to consider before making an important decision. Your little bit of effort or queries not just give you complete peace of mind, but it also makes sure that yourself or loved ones will have decreased likelihood of issues with the chosen home care company. So, without wasting more time, lets jump into questions that you need to ask your potential home care agency!

First question that you need to ask without any hesitation is “Is the company in question providing a criminal records check to all  CNA’s  and HHA’s?”.  You want to ask specifically if they are Level II background check, which is more in-depth and requires fingerprinting. If your home care is not cross-checking their home carers profile, then it will not just harm them but also can be threatening to the life of your loved ones. At PSFS, all our CNA’s and HHA’s are Level II background checked, and if not employed for more than three months, we will provide background check and fingerprints again. This increases the safety of our clients as well as providing respectable individuals in their home.
As yourself or loved ones may spend most of their time in home, it is your responsibility to confirm the number of services or amenities provided by the home care. Read their brochure and if possible, cross-check all the services by visiting their office or asking to speak to their administrator. Here at PSFS, our administrator is always accessible via her own personal cell phone number.
Ask what kind of assisted services they provide outside of home, such as transportation to Doctor appointments or grocery shopping, do they assist with transferring to a highly rated senior community? etc. Included in our services at PSFS are all the above and more!
Lastly, request an in- home consultation. This should ALWAYS be FREE. This is an opportunity not only for the company to interview you as their potential client, but for you to INTERVIEW THEM.
At Perfect Solutions for Seniors, we pride ourselves as being one of the most reputable family owned home-care company in Florida. We are currently available in the 3 locations Sarasota, Tampa, & Palm Harbor.