Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Snow Bird Season

Snowbird season is almost upon us in Sarasota! For those who don’t know, Snow bird season is when Northerners flock to Florida typically from October to May.
With this flock of our northern friends, it is important to have explore homecare options prior to season so you are set to go in case of an emergency.
We always suggest to interview 3 homecare agencies and see which one fits your needs most. Ask questions about their recruitment, retention of staff and how they staff schedules.
Here at PSFS all our employees are Level II background checked, and all licenses up to date. We have a dedicated person on staff for all scheduling needs, as well as a person dedicated to all our clients’ wants and needs.
As always, our consultation is free. We want to get to know you, and you to get to know us! Give us a call!


Thursday, September 19, 2019

What is VA Aid and Attendance?

If you are a veteran overwhelmed with the high cost of long-term elder care, such as paying for assisted living facilities, home care aids, adult daycare, or skilled nursing, the Veterans Aid and Attendance benefit could be the solution to help offset these rising care costs. A wartime veteran or their surviving spouse with limited income may be eligible to receive a non-service connected pension (this means that the need for care does not have to result from one’s military service).
There are three levels of VA Pensions:
  • Basic Pension / Improved Income – for healthy veterans over the age of 65 with low incomes
  • Aid & Attendance (A&A) – for veterans over the age of 65 that require assistance with their activities of daily living
  • Housebound – for veterans with a disability rating of 100% that prevents them from leaving their home, but does not have to be related to their military service.
The Aid & Attendance and Housebound pensions provide additional monthly income over and above the Basic Monthly pension. To be eligible for either of these pensions, one must also meet the requirements for the Basic Pension

Here at Perfect Solutions for Seniors we assist you with qualifying for VA aid and attendance, at  NO EXTRA CHARGE!

We want to assist you in your homecare needs, and know navigating the qualification process can be tricky, so we are here to lend our expertise!

Call us today! (941) 378-5553

Thursday, September 5, 2019

What are Geriatric Care Managers?

Geriatric care managers are the point person to plan and coordinate care of the elderly and others with physical and mental impairments to meet their long term care needs and also improve their quality of life.
Geriatric care managers especially come in need when a senior loved one is far from their family, and that family needs an advocate to be there for their loved one.

At Perfect Solutions for Seniors, we always accompany our clients to important appointments but we often refer to a local geriatric care manager to be the point person for the whole family. With one person being the central person assisting the family on key points, there is less risk of confusion and more consistency of care.
With a geriatric care manager and Perfect Solutions for Seniors Homecare on your team, it is a stellar combination to ensure great care for your senior loved one.

Live in Care - Perfect Solution For Seniors

At Perfect Solution for Seniors, we believe in choices. We always recommend interviewing 3 private duty companies prior to making your decision.

We also recommend to not make your decision solely on price. Ask about the companies hiring methods, their company culture, ongoing education for their staff, and specialty programs.

At PSFS, we are always striving to do the best for our clients and increase our employee’s knowledge base about our clients.

This is why our Administrator has created the Cognitive-Communication program. Francesca uses her skills as a medical Speech-Language Pathologist to stage a person’s cognition and dementia. With that vital information, she is able to train the CNA specifically what the client needs.

Furthermore, she takes the time to provide extensive education to the family about the diagnosis of their loved one.

We are a no cookie-cutter approach system, and this is just one way we are changing the landscape of in-home senior care.

Monday, September 2, 2019


Myasthenia Gravis (MG) first appeared in medical reports in 1672, but was not named till the 1880’s. Myasthenia Gravis literally means “grave muscle weakness”, and is an autoimmune disorder affecting the neuromuscular junction between the nerve and muscle.

Symptoms include :

Drooping of one or both eyelids ( ocular MG)
Double or blurred vision
Weakness in arms, hands, fingers, neck, face or legs
Difficulty chewing, smiling, swallowing or talking
Excessive fatigue in exercised muscle groups
Shortness of breath

MG most commonly impacts young adult women ( under 40) and older men ( over 60), but can also occur in children. Approximately 15-20% of people with MG will experience a myasthenia crisis, where individuals respiratory muscles will weaken and a ventilator is required. This crisis may be triggered by medication, stress, or infection. It is vital that the individual is followed closely by a Dr.

Due to MG being a lower motor neuron disease, exercise or any activity will not help, in fact it is contra-indicated. Though at this moment  there is no cure, there are ways to control MG.

1. Thymectomy- is an operation to remove the thymus glands and can assist in reducing symptoms

2. Antiocholinesterase Medications – these medications slow the breakdown of acetylcholine at the     neuromuscular junction

3. Immunosuppressive meds- these meds MUST be carefully monitored by a physician

When someone with MG is having a difficult time, especially with respiration, they may require assistance in their home. Perfect Solutions for Seniors, a Senior in home care company, is able to provide respite care. Call them at 941-378-5553.


Here are some useful tips to effectively communicate with a person with dementia. Communication is not a one size fits all, so please tailor your approach to each individual, and remember sometimes its not WHAT you say but HOW you say it.

Begin by Setting a Positive Mood- Your attitude and body language communicate stronger than words.

Be sure to get the persons attention-Limit distractions and noise. Address client by name, identify yourself by name and use non verbal cues and touch to help client stay focused. If client is seated, get down to her level and maintain eye contact.

State your Message clearly. Speak slowly, and distinctly and in a reassuring tone while using simple words and sentences. Ask simple, specific, answerable questions. Only ask one question at a time. Questions with yes or no answers work best. Give instructions that are easy to understand. Break down tasks into simple 2-3 simple steps

Adjust your expectations. Respond with affection and reassurance. Do not use “remember”. Do not test their memory or tell them of their deficits.

When the going gets tough, distract and redirect. By redirecting an individual with dementia, you may be able to avoid or delay outbursts or inappropriate behaviors.

Use validation.  Use humor whenever possible.

* From Linda Burhans “Good Nightand God Bless”

Francesca Alonso (pictured above) is a licensed Geriatric Speech Language Pathologist. She has training in management in Dementia care and is on track to becoming a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP).
